Nature’s Inspiration

There is a love of neutrals in the design world and a monochromatic room can be very calming. It seems too that people feel safer sticking with neutrals as it is harder to go wrong, although in my mind boring can be wrong. I find myself so inspired by nature and the vast range of color, pattern, and texture. There appears to be no color combination mother nature hasn’t already tried. I find the ocean and it’s creatures to be a stunning example of this. Whether you are looking at tide pooling (an actual word), snorkeling, or just at an aquarium admiring the tanks of sea life, the range of hues and motifs you will see are mind boggling. As I wander through the aquarium intrigued by the bumpy texture of the star fish and the smooth skin of the manta ray, the hundred of shades of blues and greens in the water, the hot pink sea anemones with electric green polka dots, the leaf like seahorses and otherworldly jelly fish, I can’t help but find myself thinking wallpaper, fabric and artwork.  Okay, bright pink wallpaper with electric green polka dots isn’t for everyone but it would be a statement!

Inspired Color


